- Beautiful 4 Mile Beach
sunbathe, sunrise & sunset beach walks, swimming,
kite surfing, kayaking, jet skiing, sailing
- Other Sports
golf 18 holes on a choice of 2 world championship
golf courses, tennis, work out at a health spa,
estuary or beach fishing, for spectator sport -
catch a local game at the Sports Oval
- The Rainforest Habitat
wildlife park of the future Visitors can
wander through three different and unique
environments that depict numerous species. Don't
miss 'Breakfast with the Birds' or 'Lunch with the
- Retail Therapy
the fabulous Reef Marina with its designer shops,
Macrossan street with its boutique shops and art
galleries representing both local artists and
indigenous art
- Dining
sidewalk cafes to watch the world go by, gourmet
cuisine at 5 star restaurants each with its unique
venue and menu, restaurants at the marina to sit
while dining and watch the most stunning sunsets
- Health and Well Being Spas
a plethora of choices utilising different massage
and body treatment techniques
- Nightlife
entertainment abounds with local and big name
musical performances at different venues in town
- At the Clink
various plays put on by local directors and actors -
great theatre
Your Tropical Holiday Awaits